Public Performances, Concerts & Exhibitions


Denial Löwenbrück - Aktion 230930 / Aktion 231001

Extravaganz II Festival, Mayhem, København, Denmark

Denial Löwenbrück - Aktion 230628

Mayhem, København, Denmark

Daniel & Diana Tørsløv-Löwenbrück

’Dansk og Nordisk Kunst 1750-2023’

KREV World Expo, Accelerator, Stockholm, Sweden


Daniel Löwenbrück - Aktion 221228

’Losing in Public (9. Konditionstraining)’

Mayhem, København, Denmark

Daniel Löwenbrück - Aktion 221118

’Losing in Public (8. Konditionstraining)’

Festival of Endless Gratitude, Circus Panik, København, Denmark

Daniel Löwenbrück - Sound-Installation

Documenta 15, Kassel, Germany

Daniel Löwenbrück & Leif Elggren - Aktion 220528

Ideal Bar / Vega, København, Denmark


Daniel Löwenbrück - Co-curation 'Musica Sanae’ Festival

Museum Kesselhaus, Berlin, Germany

Denial Löwenbrück - Aktion 191002

Tochnit Aleph 25th Anniversary

Ausland, Berlin, Germany

Daniel Löwenbrück - Aktion 190425

KM28, Berlin, Germany


Daniel Löwenbrück & Marcellvs L.

’Stallgewitter’ Aktion 180906

Centro de Arte Contemporânea Inhotim, Brumadinho, Brazil

Denial Löwenbrück - Aktion 180714

Co-Actresses: Diana Ø. Tørsløv Møller, Alice Kemp & Fabian Löwenbrück

NNOI Festival, Mühle Zernikow, Germany


Daniel Löwenbrück - Aktion 171118

Co-Actresses: Diana Ø. Tørsløv Møller, Felicia Lindgren & Gabi Losoncy

Extravagans Festival, Göteborg, Sweden

Daniel Löwenbrück & Marcellvs L.

’Stallgewitter’ Aktion 170520

Click Festival, Helsingør, Denmark


Daniel Löwenbrück & Marcellvs L.

’Stallgewitter’ Aktion 161120

Colour Out Of Space Festival, Brighton, UK

Daniel Löwenbrück & Marcellvs L.

’Stallgewitter’ Aktion 160521

Coded Cultures Festival, Wien, Austria

Daniel Löwenbrück - Curation 'Sound & Buch’ Exhibition

Belvedere 21. Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Wien, Austria


Daniel Löwenbrück & Marcellvs L.

’Stallgewitter’ Aktion 150721

FIME Festival, Sesc Consolação, São Paulo, Brazil

Daniel Löwenbrück - Curation 'Lautmusik. Laute. Musik.’ Exhibition

19. Poesiefestival, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany

Daniel Löwenbrück - Aktion 150414

’Losing in Public (7. Konditionstraining)’

Ensemblia 2015 Festival, Mönchengladbach, Germany


Daniel Löwenbrück & Leif Elggren - Aktion 141219

De Player, Rotterdam, Netherlands

Daniel Löwenbrück & Leif Elggren - Aktion 141218

School of Arts, Gent, Belgium

Daniel Löwenbrück & Marcellvs L.

’Stallgewitter’ Aktion 141101

NK, Berlin, Germany

Daniel Löwenbrück - Group Exhibition 'Love Objects’

Europa-Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt/Oder, Germany

Daniel Löwenbrück - Aktion 140516

Co-Actors: Christian Stadsgaard & Tobias Kirstein

Click Festival, Helsingør, Denmark

Daniel Löwenbrück & Doreen Kutzke - Aktion 140411

Live Arts Week, Museo D'Arte Moderna, Bologna, Italy

Daniel Löwenbrück - Performance / Installation

'Waiting Room'

Live Arts Week, Museo D'Arte Moderna, Bologna, Italy

Daniel Löwenbrück & Doreen Kutzke - Aktion 140305

Belvedere 21. Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Wien, Austria

Daniel Löwenbrück - Record & Objects

Part of Franz Graf exhibition ’Siehe was dich sieht’

Belvedere 21. Museum für Zeitgenössische Kunst, Wien, Austria


Daniel Löwenbrück & Leif Elggren - Aktion 130921

NK, Berlin, Germany

Daniel Löwenbrück & Doreen Kutzke - Aktion 130728

Kunstraum Michael Barthel, Leipzig, Germany

Daniel Löwenbrück & Doreen Kutzke - Exhibition  

'NACH (Raionbashi & Kutzkelina)'

Rumpsti Pumsti (Musik), Berlin, Germany

Raionbashi & Kutzkelina - Aktion 130503

Rumpsti Pumsti (Musik), Berlin, Germany


Daniel Löwenbrück & Leif Elggren - Aktion 121130  

Schimpfluch / Extreme Rituals Festival, Arnolfini, Bristol, UK

Raionbashi & Kutzkelina - Aktion 120907  

Centre for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warszawa, Poland

Daniel Löwenbrück - Group Exhibition 'Sleep Disorders' 

The Wand, Berlin, Germany

Raionbashi & Kutzkelina - Aktion 120707  

Extrapool, Nijmegen, Netherlands

Raionbashi & Kutzkelina - Aktion 120420  

Perpectives Festival, Culturen, Västerås, Sweden


Raionbashi & Dylan Nyoukis - Aktion 111112

'Where are you? / Wo bist Du?'

Colour Out Of Space Festival, The Old Market, Brighton, UK

Daniel Löwenbrück - Solo Exhibition  

'Fall: 3024243539'

Rumpsti Pumsti (Musik), Berlin, Germany

Raionbashi - Aktion 110911

'Gilligan's Island (9/11)'

Ausland, Berlin, Germany

Raionbashi - Aktion 110729  

Norberg Festival, Norberg, Sweden

Raionbashi & Kutzkelina - Aktion 110410

Sonic Protest Festival, Les Voutes, Paris, France


Raionbashi & Kutzkelina - Aktion 101024  

The Lowest Form of Music Festival, Beaconsfield London, UK

Raionbashi & Mattin - Aktion 100920  

Echtzeitmusiktage, Naher Osten, Berlin, Germany

Raionbashi - Aktion 100530  

'Daniel? Wo Bist Du?'

Co-Actor: Jürgen Eckloff

NK, Berlin, Germany

Raionbashi & Kutzkelina - Aktion 100521

Hundebiss, Milano, Italy


Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock - Aktion 091218

(w/ Rudolf

Stadtgarten, Köln, Germany

Raionbashi & Kutzkelina - Aktion 091216

Raum 18, Berlin, Germany

Raionbashi & Kutzkelina - Aktion 091205

FZML Festival, Telegraph, Leipzig, Germany

Raionbashi - Aktion 090915

Raum 18, Berlin, Germany

Raionbashi - Aktion 090418


(Happy Birthday Sudden Infant)

Ausland, Berlin, Germany

Raionbashi - Aktion 090201

'Haji Wo Kaku (6.Konditionstraining)'

Co-Actress: Keiko Miyamoto

Bullet's, Tokyo, Japan

Raionbashi - Aktion 090131

'Haji Wo Kaku (5.Konditionstraining)'

Co-Actress: Aoi Kisaka

Soup, Tokyo, Japan

Raionbashi - Aktion 090130

'Haji Wo Kaku (4.Konditionstraining)'

Co-Actress: Mai Sau

Artzone, Kyoto, Japan

Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock - Aktion 090130

'Shaman-Rite / Anti-Concert Kyoto'

(w/ Rudolf and Mai Sau)

Artzone, Kyoto, Japan

Raionbashi - Aktion 090125

Sunsui, Osaka, Japan

Raionbashi - Aktion 090122

Maiden Voyage, Kobe, Japan


Raionbashi - Aktion 081101

'Å tape i Offentlighet (3.Konditionstraining)'

Co-Actress: Doreen Kutzke

Podium, Oslo, Norway

Raionbashi & Kutzkelina - Aktion 081031

Grønland Kirke, Oslo, Norway

Raionbashi - Aktion 080920  

'Gilligan's Island'

Scheld'apen, Antwerpen, Belgium

Raionbashi - Aktion 080729

ZAA, Berlin, Germany


Raionbashi & Kutzkelina - Aktion 071124

Musée d'Art Contemporain, Bordeaux, France

Raionbashi & Kutzkelina - Aktion 071002

Abject Music Fest, Ausland, Berlin, Germany

Raionbashi & Kutzkelina - Aktion 070907  

Colour Out Of Space Festival, Sallis Benney Theatre, Brighton, UK

Raionbashi & Kutzkelina - Aktion 070517

No Fun Fest, The Red Hook, New York, USA


Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock - Aktion 060513

(w/ Rudolf

Ausland, Berlin, Germany

Schimpfluch-Gruppe - Aktion 060504

(with Rudolf, Joke Lanz & Dave Phillips)

AA School of Architecture, London, UK

Raionbashi - Aktion 060126

Ausland, Berlin, Germany


Dear Daniel & Michael... - Aktion 051012

(with Michael Barthel)

Luff Festival, Casino de Montbenon, Lausanne, Switzerland

Raionbashi - Aktion 050909

Superkronik, Leipzig, Germany

Raionbashi - Aktion 050513  

'Losing in Public (2.Konditionstraining)'

Co-Actress: Louise Nolan

AA School of Architecture, London, UK

Raionbashi - Aktion 050423  


Alt-Stralau 68, Berlin, Germany


Raionbashi - Aktion 040918


Co-Actor: Michael Barthel

Die Sibirische Zelle, Berlin, Germany

Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock - Aktion 040626  

'Für Milch und Dirndl'

(with Rudolf & Doreen Kutzke)

Die Sibirische Zelle, Berlin, Germany

Raionbashi & Rotraut Z - Aktion 040430

Die Sibirische Zelle, Berlin, Germany


(with Dave Phillips, Reto Mäder & Tom Smith)

041118 Avanto Festival, Kiasma Theatre, Helsinki, Finland

041122 Gallery of Experimental Sounds, St.Petersburg, Russia


Schimpfluch-Gruppe - UK Tour

(with Joke Lanz & Dave Phillips)

031120 Red Rose, London

031121 Termite Club Festival, Leeds

031122 Cumberland Arms, Newcastle Upon Tyne

031123 St. Peters Arts Centre, Preston

031126 The Grapes, Sheffield



(with Dave Phillips, Reto Mäder & Tom Smith)

020412 Le Voutes, Paris, France

020412 Public, Paris, France

020425 Sugar Club, Liepaja, Latvia

020426 Juras Vartis Landora, Ventspils, Latvia

020427 Mai1ze, Riga, Latvia

020428 ArTeritorija, Kaunas, Lithuania

020429 Zaltvyxle, Vilnius, Lithiania

020502 Buddha Bar, Gomel, Belarus

020504 Club Nemo, Gomel, Belarus

020510 Museum of Contemporary Art, Yaroslavl, Russia

020512 Bunkr, Moscow, Russia

020515 Dom, Moscow, Russia

020523 Flag Frog, Warszawa, Poland

020525 Fleda, Brno, Czech Republic

020528 Cajovna V Podzdemi, Bratislava, Slovakia

020530 Rhiz, Vienna, Austria

020531 Metelkova, Ljubljana, Slovenia

020602 Kapu, Linz, Austria

020605 Parterre, Basel, Switzerland

020606 Toni Molkerei, Zürich, Switzerland

020607 Espace Autogere, Lausanne, Switzerland


Sudden Infant

(with Joke Lanz)

010429 AZ Conni, Dresden, Germany


Raionbashi - Aktion 000114

AZ Conni, Dresden, Germany


Sudden Infant

(with Joke Lanz)

990117 Maria am Ostbahnhof, Berlin, Germany

990205 Podewil, Berlin, Germany

990529 Egypt Cottage, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK

990602 Backspace, London, UK

000708 Kunstverlade.Halle, Rüsselsheim, Germany

Daniel Löwenbrück (b.1974) is a German performance- and sound-artist, publisher, curator and (sometimes) visual artist.

He performed internationally since the late 90's as part of the Schimpfluch-Gruppe (with Rudolf, Dave Phillips, Joke Lanz), as a duo with singer and performance artist Doreen Kutzke, as part of Ohne (with Tom Smith, Dave Phillips, Reto Mäder), with Swedish conceptual artist Leif Elggren, with Brazilian video- and sound-artist Marcellvs L., and solo as Raionbashi and under his own name. He performed in New York, Sao Paulo, Bordeaux, Paris, Moscow, Minsk, London, Oslo, Stockholm, Helsinki, Chiang Mai, Tokyo, Osaka, Rotterdam, Vienna etc.

In 1994 Daniel Löwenbrück founded the label Tochnit Aleph publishing music, conceptual sound-art and editions by (visual) artists, sound-poets and composers. He works with / published works by artists like Hermann Nitsch, Artur Zmijewski, Dorothy Iannone, Rudolf, Gerhard Rühm, Otto Muehl, Christina Kubisch, Wolf Vostell, Jean Dubuffet, Asger Jorn, Alice Kemp, Marc Zeier, Roman Signer, Henri Chopin, Dieter Roth, Franz Mon, Michael Barthel, Dominik Steiger, Toine Horvers, and many others.

Between 2008 and 2021 Löwenbrück curated Rumpsti Pumsti (Musik) in Berlin, a store & mailorder specialized in Artist-Records, Sound Poetry, Conceptual Sound Art, Contemporary Classical Music and the Noise Subculture.

Until January 2017 Rumpsti Pumsti (Musik) also functioned as a gallery, presenting performances and exhibitions of visual works by Wolf Vostell, Toine Horvers, Roman Signer, Michael Barthel, Jürgen Eckloff, Franz Graf, Martin Riches, Gerhard Rühm, Valeri Scherstjanoi, Hartmut Geerken, Hermann Nitsch, Christina Kubisch, Seiji Morimoto, Stephen Cornford, Mario de Vega, and many others.

Since 2021 Löwenbrück lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Rumpsti Pumsti (Musik) currently operates as a mailorder only.

> Tochnit Aleph
> Rumpsti Pumsti (Musik)
> Exhibitions Archive

Selected Publications



LP - Tochnit Aleph


Das Lebacher Orgelwerk

"Weihnachtsoratorium" (LWV 156)

Daniel Löwenbrück & Fabian Löwenbrück

CD - Krim Kram


Schimpfluch Affiliated Music, 2019

Tochnit Aleph 25th Anniversary (Compilation)

LP - Tochnit Aleph

Waiting Room, Bologna, 2014

CD - Edition Löwenwall (Psychic Expansion)



Cassette - Recordings for the Summer

Waiting Room, Bologna, 2014

Book - Tochnit Aleph


Daniel Löwenbrück & Marcellvs L.

12"Vinyl - Ideal Recordings


Fall: 3024243539

Object/Box/Lathe - Tochnit Aleph / O Editions

Aktion 091216

Raionbashi & Kutzkelina

Single-Sided 12"Vinyl - Harbinger

Der Strick

(Split w/ Stefan Roigk)

LP - Senufo Editions


Musik und Skepsis

'Ansätze zum Taumel' (Split w/ Krube.)

12"Vinyl - Hrönir

1.Konditionstraining (Aktion 040918)

DVD - Tochnit Aleph

Gilligan's Island (Aktion 080920)

DVD - Tochnit Aleph


In Teufel's Küche

10"Vinyl - Ignivomous / Absurd



12"Vinyl - Hanson


In der Not frisst der Teufel Fliegen

CD - Tochnit Aleph


Chloral Works I & II

Single-Sided 12"Vinyl - Entr'acte

CD Reissue - Entr'acte 2008

Der Trunkenbold

Object/CD - Recordings For The Summer


Good Looking Communists

12"Vinyl - Tochnit Aleph